Monday, September 17, 2012

Another Wedding Card

My colleague, El rocked the whole office when she handed us a sweet-looking beige envelope. What else but a wedding invitation! And we didn't even know she was seeing someone. He! We were so happy for her!

My next thought was - I would love to make her a card. At that point, I had about 3 months or so. Plenty of time, I thought to myself. But lo behold, time just flew past! And I found myself working on her card that morning of the wedding dinner.

My materials for the card. It's purple and beige theme.

The first bit, cut a long strip and paste. Then placed the ribbons at a corner and write something nice.

The result! Again.. something simple, and hopefully nice too.

I stuck a know on the envelope too. Marriage is also known as tying the knot. So, that's what the "ribbon" was to symbolise.

We attended the wedding dinner at Ciao, very nice ambience and small group.
It was a simple ceremony, a toast to the dashing groom and the radiant bride!

Photo session with the golf course as the background. Lovely couple! My best wishes to them!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Home Made Pizza

I found this super duper simple recipe for a quick pizza. And since the ingredients are mostly instant (of course, it's up to our creativity), I decided to try it out and successfully got my dinner ready in no time. :) With this success, I proposed to my family as lunch. Everyone loved it, err... except Mum. Pizza is not her favourite, give her a bowl of rice anytime. ;)

Ok, let me present to you the ingredients! Choose something that can give you lots of colours. It will make your pizza very attractive. :)

Pita bread - can get them in the supermarkets. This will be the base.

If you are into cheese, get a packet of it and just sprinkle or top it over your pita like nobody's business! Well, it's your work of art. Do what you like. He! And I used pasta sauce as my layering over the pita bread before the other toppings.

The fun part - decorating your pizza! It's fun! But don't be greedy, you will find your topping spilling out.

Alternatively, you can try with the normal loaf bread. And it tasted yummy too!

Errmm... I was too excited about eating the pizzas that I forgotten to snap some pix of the end result. Ooppss.... Well, you will have to find out for yourself. Give it a try! Have fun! :)